
Career Mistakes – Are They Lessons or Setbacks?


It is never easy when you realize you made a mistake.  In fact, depending on the magnitude, it can take different amounts of time to recover and for some many conversations with family and friends.

If find, the lesson is not often immediate. I often need time and hindsight before I can really understand the lesson of the mistake.

 a Life coach, psychologist, and TEDx Speaker has written an article entitled the 9 Lessons We Can Learn from Our Mistakes:
  1. Mistakes teach us to clarify what we really want and how we want to live.
  2. Mistakes teach us to accept ourselves and that we can be flawed and be loved.
  3. Mistakes teach us to accept our fallibility and face our fear.
  4. Mistakes teach us about ourselves and how to tell our truth.
  5. Mistakes teach us, through analysis and feedback, about what works, and what doesn’t.
  6. Mistakes teach us to take responsibility.
  7. Mistakes teach us about integrity.
  8. Mistakes teach us to engage in our lives — to live fully.
  9. Mistakes allow us to inspire others.

In her article, she expands on each of the lessons and I encourage you to read her article in detail: Don’t Fear Failure: 9 Powerful Lessons We Learn from Mistakes. 

Take comfort in the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Nothing was achieved or invented without there being countless mistakes proceeding the final product.

Don’t let the fear of failure or the fear of making a mistake stop you from moving forward towards your dream. Mistakes are great teachers; so what has your most recent mistake taught you? What can you learn today from a mistake made yesterday?

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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

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