
Success or Significance?


I just finished reading a book by Bob Buford called HalftimeIn the book he talks about how people spend the first half of their life accomplishing tasks, so they spend the first half of their life focusing on success.  And when they reach that success, similar to the happiness quotient, they now start to figure out “Okay, what’s next for me?”

In the book he characterizes this as the “halftime” moment when we switch from seeking success for ourselves to the second half of our life and creating a life of significance, a life of legacy-leaving.

It reminded me of The Beautiful Truth and at the end, it had an absolutely wonderful quote that stated it’s not going to matter how stressed you are or how many to-do’s you had or what your title is.  What’s going to matter is what part of the world you’ve impacted, who you’ve impacted, what you’ve left behind, who loves you, and really what you created on this earth that wouldn’t have been here without you. 

 I would say the most satisfied people I’ve talked to are the people who make time to do things for others.

There is a saying that goes “It is better to give than to receive.” I don’t know about you, but I loving giving; time, knowledge, energy and gifts.  There’s something special about watching a loved one open a present that you’ve spent time selecting or even making.

The same is true when we give of ourselves for others. We feed off that energy and gratitude. Even in our busiest of days, we can look for small ways to give back. Like taking the time to make eye contact and conversation with the Tollbooth operator or barista at Starbucks.

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JJ DiGeronimo

Speaker, Author & Thought Leader for Women in Tech & Girls in STEM.

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